Sonderpaket! 30 CDs + Gespinst Set Gutschein usw
Black Metal Propaganda Vol.2 CD
Black Metal Propaganda Vol.4 CD
Sieghetnar - Trancezendental Ambient Supremacy Shirt XXL
SIEGHETNAR - Astralwinter II CD
EISMOND - Behind the Moon we are looking into the Distance CD A5
EISMOND- As we hide the moon Digi
THE EARTH KING - cycling between sun and moon Digi
LUNATIC AFFLICTION - Secreta Obscura Mysterium Digi
DRUNEMETON - Disciples Of The Old Faith CD
Sonderpaket! 30 CDs + Gespinst Set Gutschein usw
Black Metal Propaganda Vol.2 CD
Black Metal Propaganda Vol.4 CD
Sieghetnar - Trancezendental Ambient Supremacy Shirt XXL
SIEGHETNAR - Astralwinter II CD
EISMOND - Behind the Moon we are looking into the Distance CD A5
EISMOND- As we hide the moon Digi
THE EARTH KING - cycling between sun and moon Digi
LUNATIC AFFLICTION - Secreta Obscura Mysterium Digi
DRUNEMETON - Disciples Of The Old Faith CD


AORNOS - Mors Sola CDatmospheric Black Metal
10.00 €
BEHEAT GORUM DE MENTHEURD - The frostbidden Path DigiAtmospheric Ambient Black Metal
10.00 €
Black Metal Propaganda Vol.1 CDBlack Metal Sampler
4.99 €
Black Metal Propaganda Vol.2 CDBlack Metal Sampler
1.99 €
Black Metal Propaganda Vol.4 CDBlack Metal Sampler
4.99 €
DRUNEMETON - Disciples Of The Old Faith CDepic Pagan Black Metal
10.00 €
EISMOND - Behind the Moon we are looking into the Distance CD A5Ambient Black Metal
7.50 €
EISMOND- As we hide the moon DigiSpace Ambient Dark Metal
10.00 €
FORGOTTEN WINTER - Origem Da Inexsistência
FORGOTTEN WINTER - Origem Da InexsistênciaOrchestral Space Black Metal
Kristallblut Records

will be deliver from 1.6.13

at.Nr. KBR004
Artist: FORGOTTEN WINTER (Portugal)
Titel: "Origem Da Inexsistência"
Format: CD Digipack 6 seitig
Auflage: 500 Stück


Forgotten Winter bieten auf diesem Werk eine Weiterentwicklung ihres bisherigen Schaffens.
Das Werk überzeugt mit "kosmischem Symphonic Orchestral Black Metal" und dürften jedem Anhänger von
Anorexia Nervosa, Limbonic Art ,Carach Angreen überzeugen!

Kat.Nr. KBR004
Artist: FORGOTTEN WINTER (Portugal)
Titel: "Origem Da Inexsistência"
Format: CD Digipack 6 seitig
Lim: 500 CDs


After the strong "debut" album Kristallblutrecords will release this second masterpiece called
"Origem Da Inexsistência"

FORGOTTEN WINTER plays an unique style of "cosmical Symphonic orchestral Black Metal"
and will take the listener to an epic journy.

Verkaufsrang: 24

LISTEN HERE - Hier reinhören
(ArtNr. 00000395)
10.00 €
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VINTERSTURM - Vintersturm CD lim.99VINTERSTURM - Vintersturm CD lim.99SIEGHETNAR - Epica A5 CDr proSIEGHETNAR - Epica A5 CDr proLUNATIC AFFLICTION - Secreta Obscura Mysterium DigiLUNATIC AFFLICTION - Secreta Obscura Mysterium DigiDONARHALL - Helvegr CDDONARHALL - Helvegr CD
LUNATIC AFFLICTION - Im Bannkreis der Götter Digiatmospheric natural Black Metal
10.00 €
LUNATIC AFFLICTION - Secreta Obscura Mysterium DigiAtmospheric Black Metal
10.00 €
OBSIDIAN GATE - whom the fire obeys digisymphonic bombastic Black.-Death Metal
12.00 €
OBSIDIAN GATE - Whom the fire obeys Digi + Patch!Egypt Bombastic Black Metal
15.00 €
REMMIRATH - Shambhala vril saucerspsychedelic Black Metal
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SIEGHETNAR - Astralwinter II CDTrancezendental Ambient Black Metal
14.99 €
SIEGHETNAR - Die Hymne der Zerbrechlichkeit²depressiv Ambient Black Metal
10.00 €
Sieghetnar - Trancezendental Ambient Supremacy Shirt XXL
17.50 €
Sonderpaket! 30 CDs + Gespinst Set Gutschein uswBlack Metal
99.99 €
THE EARTH KING - cycling between sun and moon DigiCosmic Ambient Occult Black Metal
10.00 €

6.300.360 Zugriffe seit dem 25.02.2012